Privacy Policy

Auzn ( provides the following information regarding how we collect, use, and protect user data on our website:

Collection of Personal Information
As a visitor, we do not record your personal information without your knowledge. However, if you become an Auzn member, we will request your consent to our membership terms and record your personal information accordingly.
We may keep track of users' website visits, including URL information, traffic analysis, and behavioral data. This helps us improve our service quality, and we do not share this information with any unrelated third parties.

Use of User Data
Any personal data we collect through Auzn-related websites is solely for internal use. Unless stated otherwise or required by law, we do not provide personal data to third parties or use it for any other purposes.

Data Security
While we strive to ensure the security of personal data, we cannot guarantee its absolute security. If you have concerns about the security of your personal information, you can request us to delete your data and discontinue related services.

Links to other websites or webpages found on Auzn-related sites are unrelated to Auzn and its Privacy Policy.

To provide customized services for our members, we use cookies. If you disable cookies in your browser settings, you may experience limitations in using our website's services.